Practice your reading skills with a four-legged friend at the Caledon Animal Shelter!
CPL and the Caledon Animal Shelter are pleased to be partnering to host the popular Rescue Readers program that pairs up children who want to practice their reading with a four-legged shelter friend.
The program takes place at the Caledon Animal Shelter located at 12889 Coleraine Dr, Bolton, ON L7E 3B5.
Registrants must be between the ages of 6 - 9 and be able to read independently.
Each registrant will sign up for a 15 minute time slot between 4 and 5pm - this will be the registrant's reading time with fur friends for the duration of the program.
Please cancel if you are unable to attend due to the popularity of our programs. This way more people from the community are able to join. Thank you for being a good neighbour.
The Albion Bolton Branch is located in the Albion Bolton Community Centre and is a full-service branch with the following meeting rooms: The Spark Zone; The Lesley Slobodian Quiet Study Area; A Room